Saturday, October 30, 2010

You have definitely give several examples as to how you and Greg are similar. To develop ths further, could you back up the points from the story with specific quotes. THis will haelp develop your writing. You are seeing how authors create characters that reders cand idnetify with adn inturn give us a better understanding of the story.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Humanity term - The quality of being human; the peculiar nature of man, by which he is distinguished from other beings.

My term - competition , survival of the fittest , competition in life for human rights.
 Trying to find your place in life, competition between all others on our planet. The power over others.

Ways to get it - Respect others, treat others the way you want to be treated. Be yourself, make smart choices.

 Ways to maintain it - Dont get too carried away. Stay leveled with your sarroundings.

Ways one would use it - Move forward  in life. Survive . Learn new things, experience.

Ways one could lose it - Give up in life, take advantage of your power, disrespect others

How it affects people- Keeps us sane , keeps us leveled , keeps us balanced

My term is connected with Power because it what keeps us surviving. Humanity is also survival of the fittest, people are in competition. To stay alive, to stay sane, to maintain family & friends, but you have to stay balanced & leveled. Dont get too carried away.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2nd short story

This song represents the story A&P because it shows that the person you have feelings for, their emotions affects your emotion aswell. Because when you care about someone, when they smile you smile, and when theyre hurt, you hurt.

3rd short story

This visual represent the story " The lottery" because of the change in tradition in ones community. Coming into someones life & destroying their tradition & making it new, making it your own.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Task 1

With concrete examples, explain how Bernice Friesen has created an identity of character with whom you might be able to connect.

I think i connect with Greg the most because he stands up for what he believes in. As much as his father tries to put him down & stop him from his dreams, he doesn't let that get in the way. That's exactly like me, i dont let someone put me down or tell me i cant do it because i know what i believe in & i know what i am capable of doing. In the story , Greg wants to follow his dreams, & study what his interests are , & have a future for himself rather than for his father. I also want to follow my dream & nobody elses. My future is up to me & my career choice. People can always have an opinion & give me their input but in the end it will be my descision & no one elses. These are few of the reason that Greg and I are alike in various ways.
When i have my mind focused on something then i stick to it. I dont let anyone elses opinion get to me, ill listen & ill take advice but in the end its my decision over anyone elses. Just like Greg, it doesnt matter what kind of trouble i get into, because your punishment only last for a little while but your future is forever.